von Myrko Thum | Dez 10, 2012 | Productivity
It’s a very common thing: You set out some nice plans and started very motivated with something that seemed so important to you at the time. But then, somehow, it wears off. The initial drive is gone, things seem to be tough again, it’s no fun anymore. And somehow it doesn’t look so interesting anymore, anyway. What happened? The simple answer: You didn’t follow through. But why?
von Myrko Thum | Dez 4, 2012 | Productivity
This is kind of my mantra at the moment. It’s amazing how much time I can waste trying to over-think a situation sometimes. There is a name for that: paralysis by analysis. So lately I deliberately prohibit myself to do excessive over-thinking and analyzing of a situation. Instead I force myself to just act… Here are the 5 best hacks to stop over-thinking and take effective action again.
von Myrko Thum | Nov 19, 2012 | Productivity
I personally believe in the power of setting the right goals in order to make difficult changes in my life. But I also enjoy my time of feeling just in flow with what I do and create really good results this way. Can you only get what you want and be really productive by setting goals or is there also a way without goals? Let’s see if the no goals approach has any merit to it and if even the goal-setting idea is something of the past…
von Myrko Thum | Okt 29, 2012 | Productivity
I notice with a lot of people here on my blog and in my own life that when they go out and make something happen, they automatically fall into this trap of creating huge stress as well. The really bad thing here is that it not only burns you out really quickly, your life can become very miserable during that time too. This is totally unnecessary. Learn 5 effective ways to cure stress and reduce stress to your preferred level without lowering productivity or success.
von Myrko Thum | Okt 15, 2012 | Productivity
One of the most limiting resources I have lately is time. There are really so many great things to do which all make sense and would improve my overall goals. So naturally the questions comes up: How can I save time or how can I work faster and get more of my important stuff done?
von Myrko Thum | Okt 2, 2012 | Productivity
Despite being really busy, have you ever had the feeling of treading water in your life? There is a lot going on, still you’re not really feeling you make progress? In order to be happy and fulfilled you have to grow. To grow is a fundamental human need. And this simply means you need to make real progress in your life. Progress means you are getting ahead. It means you are getting real results and are moving step by step closer to your goals.