von | | Productivity
I’m just in the process of shooting the final videos of my upcoming personal development course (more on that soon…) The final module — „Effective Action“ — is all about getting done what we’ll have planned in the earlier modules.
So lately I did some interviews with other time-management experts and also people just trying to improve their productivity level. I just wanted to dig really deep and understand the different types of productivity killers that everybody of us is fighting with…
So let’s see what your productivity killers really are…
von | | Productivity
I just had a real revelation when I was stopped cold in my creative work by what seemed to me a really difficult problem. I thought about the solution for days. But I just couldn’t find an answer that was really satisfying to me. I was stuck.
And here is the surprising but genius solution to getting unstuck: When you are stuck, just move on with your next best idea.
Instead of thinking and waiting and thinking again, just move on! Use what you currently have and make a step forward.
von | | Productivity
Time is one of the most valuable resources you have. How and where you spend your time determines the quality of your life. And you need to get control over your time.
Especially now as I’m personally becoming a father of two baby-girls, I have to rethink how I spend the very little time I have left for me most effectively.
It can be done. Because everybody on the planet has the same amount time. And there are people who get their stuff done.
The first thing you have to realize is this…
von | | Productivity
Recently I’m looking for a new home here in Berlin. Since we are looking to become a family soon, it’s time for a change. The market has gotten a lot tougher here in the last 2 years, which was when I first moved here. Many good homes are gone or overly pricy now.
Still, finally we thought we found something right. So we made the deal only to realize the day after that if you are really it’s just too loud with the traffic outside, especially for a family. So we want to get out again and have produced a bit of a mess all by ourself.
It wasn’t a good decision. That kept me wondering how this really bad decision could’ve happened in the first place?
von | | Productivity
The time right now is among my personal most enjoyable times of the year. Between Christmas and New Year’s Day is the perfect time to really reflect back on the last 12 month and then go ahead and plan next year.
And in fact, if you haven’t done a yearly plan so far, I would highly recommend that you start doing this review & planning process now for this and the coming year. You will be amazed at what this reviewing & planning can do to your overall sense of direction and practical achievement. It will take under 1 hour and it will be way worth it.
For me, this process is one of the biggest sources for what I would call my personal successes. It is a 2 step process of I. Reviewing and II. Planning.
von | | Productivity
For a while now I try to keep things simple. That means I try to avoid unnecessary additional overhead to what I do, have or I’m in relationship with. I feel like this is one of the very best productivity habits to have. It takes a lot of intelligence to reach that essential state from where things just flow. But I noticed that in order to build the simplicity habit, you have to develop one particular skill.