The Effortless Way to Get Your Anxiety Butterflies Flying in Formation

The Effortless Way to Get Your Anxiety Butterflies Flying in Formation

Flying and learning to fly had its moments and just like the process I used to keep the engine properly handled and in good operating condition, I had to learn healthy ways to dissipate my own build up of internal energy (better known as anxiety) !

I discovered early in the game that if I didn’t deal with the butterflies of anticipation and nervousness that often preceded a big flying event, not only was I defocused and jittery but I also could not enjoy the exquisite experience in which I was participating.

The Life Advice I Will Give to My Kids

The Life Advice I Will Give to My Kids

I’m going to be a father very soon. It will be two girls – so you can imagine how excited I am.

I took some time to reflect and think about how I would like to be as a father. What kind of advice can I give to my kids to help them in their life? What insights did I make, sometimes painfully, sometimes with joy, that I want to pass on to my kids?

Think about it…
If you have kids (or want to have kids), what one lesson would want them to learn from you?

Walking the Fine Line Between Compassion and Asserting Yourself

Walking the Fine Line Between Compassion and Asserting Yourself

Have you ever had the situation where you wanted to live by compassion with other people but then been taken advantage of? Did you ever wanted to be kind but then encountered the opposite from the other party? Or was it the other way around?!
Finding the fine line between compassion and assertion is really the key. You have to notice when you need the one or the other. How can you balance both?

What Are Your Most Common Emotions?

What Are Your Most Common Emotions?

What is the most important thing for you in your life? What, at it’s core, is what you want most in life? I bet it’s the same thing as for most people: at the deepest level you want to… feel good.

Even when you said peace of mind, or good luck for your family, if you think about what that gives you… it’s really a feeling. A feeling of peace, safety, contentment, happiness.

Your emotions are determining how you feel. Most emotions repeat themselves over and over again – in other words: the kind of emotions you feel are similar day in and day out. And the quality of your life, how you perceive your life, is heavily influenced by the emotions you feel regularly.

Are You Feeling Your Favorite Emotions Daily?

How to Be Inspired to Be Your Best

How to Be Inspired to Be Your Best

I always found that being inspired is the best state to be in. Being inspired leads to inspired action and has some kind of magic to it. It seems to go directly to the point. It always seems to be right.

You are able to see things much more clearly. You are getting the right ideas, the right input. And you do good.

The state of being inspired means to be in connection with your spirit, your higher self. It „whispers“ you your way.

But how can you not feel the connection to your spirit?

How to Use The Law of Attraction

How to Use The Law of Attraction

Finally I’m writing about The Law of Attraction. In fact, I’ve written about it in many posts here, but I’ve never named it as such. But the key understandings that you are responsible for your state of mind and for what you create in your life are also at the core of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states: You attract in your life what you think about most of the time. What you focus your attention on grows, and your energy and actions flow towards it. Or in other words: Like attracts Like.

For me the Law of Attraction was intuitively clear pretty early in my life, without labeling it as the Law of Attraction (or even „The Secret“). Some time in my teens I decided to „focus on what I want“. That was essential for me.

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