Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Asking the right question could be the critical thing you are missing on your own journey of personal growth. I’m constantly astonished about the kind of breakthrough in thinking that asking the right questions can have. The process of thinking is often the process of asking and answering questions in our head. Especially when you do self-reflection, asking questions is the method to get clarity and to make personal progress.

Why Single-Minded Focus is the Only Real Way

Why Single-Minded Focus is the Only Real Way

I have to admit I am a focus-person. Even my girlfriend told me so lately. And I believe that’s a good thing. The power we have when we single-mindedly focus all of our attention on just one thing is pretty amazing. On the other hand when we split our attention on several tasks it gets increasingly more difficult to reach an outstanding result. Additionally this kind of „over productivity“ raises the stress level.

The Tiny Guide to Self-Discipline

The Tiny Guide to Self-Discipline

The popular belief is that self-discipline takes from you. It takes from your quality of life, makes you unrelaxed and in general gives you a hard time. It cuts from your freedom. But this is all wrong. The opposite is true. Self-discipline will give you freedom. It will give you more abilities and resources because you know that when you say something to yourself, you will follow through. That has tremendous power.

How to Follow Your Passion and Do What You Love without Going Broke

How to Follow Your Passion and Do What You Love without Going Broke

There has been some real controversy about following your passion. People like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates say to do what you really love is the number one key to success. Others point out that follow your passion could be the worst advice ever given. What is true? Let’s find out why it can be dangerous to blindly follow your passion and how we can make it the right way instead.

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