In the past 3 years I discovered that the best way to monetise my expertise is to package it into an information product that I could sell at a great price online.


I summarised the reasons behind why this works so well — especially right now — in this Top-5 list for you:

1. Scale Up Your Business Online

Information products are an incredible way to scale up your existing business. Especially if you’re a knowledge worker and already have a service-based business where you help other people 1on1 with your expertise and experience.

If you’re a coach, consultant, teacher, author or seminar-leader you definitely have to look into information products to grow your business. If you’re a blogger or have any other kind of platform with an audience, info products are the best way to monetise your content right now.

I call all of us knowledge workers „Infopreneurs“, that means we are entrepreneurs who sell valuable information to help others.

Basically you can create your info product once and then sell it over and over again to an ever-growing audience of customers. It’s an awesome way to scale your business!

2. Start A New Online Business

You could even start a completely new business around your information product. Make your info product your core offer and the core solution and build your business around that solution.

This works especially great because bigger info products sell at a premium price. Depending on your niche, audience and product $297 up to $1,997 are totally normal price points.

Later you can add more info products or blend in other high-ticket services such as coaching or mastermind groups.

3. Huge Leverage Of Your Time

There is probably no better way to stop trading hours for money than to sell your own profitable info product.

You can automate this whole process (I have this in place right now) and even sell products while you sleep. Sounds weird, but this is possible with todays technology and the potential reach you have over the internet.

And if you choose to, you don’t have to stop doing 1on1 work. As said above, if you combine both approaches they can actually profit from each other. For instance having a great info product out there in your marketplace will increase your expert positioning (same as a published book does, but even more) and attract more high paying clients.

4. True Location Independence

You can run an information product based business from wherever you like, as long as you’re online.

This is the best way to create a real lifestyle business, if that’s your goal.

If not, this infopreneur business works like any other business too. If you choose to, you can grow a team and work locally as well.

5. Do What You Love & Get Paid For It

Probably the best benefit of having your own profitable info product is that you actually get paid for something that you love.

If you combine your passion with a profitable target market you can bring these two together and create a profitable and enjoyable business…

What’s Next?

If you’re interested in learning more, then go ahead and join my email list and get some serious info product training from me right away …for free:

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