3 Ways to Live a Life of No Regrets

3 Ways to Live a Life of No Regrets

I recently turned 30. Changing the first digit in your age is one of those moments when you’re inclined to really think about the way you’ve lived your life so far and the way you want to live it from that point onward. At least it was for me.

It’s not unusual for some feelings of regret to set in. And that gets you thinking how you can prevent it from happening again in the future. Happily for me, I have few feelings of regret about the way I lived my life so far. And I think the lessons I’ve learned will allow me to live a life of no regrets from this moment forward.

The Courage to Live Your Dream

The Courage to Live Your Dream

I noticed that I’m pretty close to living my dream right now. I have the woman and family of my dreams, I do what I love, I earn enough, I live where I want to live. And all in all I’m feeling pretty good.

It wasn’t always like this, especially not when I was a teenager. So I made quite some transformation in my life.

And I’m thankful for that. Because I know that there is only one constant in our universe. And that is change.

My 3 Realizations About Life After I Reached My Dream

My 3 Realizations About Life After I Reached My Dream

In this guest-post Jorge Blanco writes: „The very first time I found myself determined to achieve a goal was during my teenage years when I wanted to go to Japan and study Computer Science there.

It was the biggest dream for me at the time and I was able to achieve it.

But after a year, I suddenly realized I wasn’t feeling as elated as I imagined I would be. I felt lost and empty…“

750 Words for Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

750 Words for Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is probably the biggest single thing responsible for people not living up to their potential. Nothing has such a strong grip on holding you back from your dreams, aspirations and deepest desires as this one.

How can you overcome the fear of failure?

How can you start to courageously look this fear in the eye and still take the risk of going the next step?

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Overcome Jealousy

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Overcome Jealousy

I believe at the core of comparing lies the fear of inferiority. Feeling inferior or inadequate is really hard to tolerate, so we do anything to check if there is a slight chance of being inadequate. This need to validate yourself leads to comparing, in the hope to come to the conclusion that you are ok. Then you know that you are enough.

So in this post I’m going to answer the first questions to my latest „Ask me Anything!“ email. The topic is jealousy and how to stop comparing yourself to others. We will look at 4 methods to break the habit of comparing yourself to others and at more constructive ways how you can deal with jealousy if you feel it.

The 10 Most Limiting Beliefs About Money (& How to Remove Them)

The 10 Most Limiting Beliefs About Money (& How to Remove Them)

The #1 thing that will determine your financial success in life is your mindset towards money. As I already wrote in The Big Picture Guide to Get Control Over Your Money, your attitude towards money is actively creating your financial reality. And the most influential part of a mindset are the beliefs you hold true.

Unfortunately many beliefs are operating subconsciously. Once we accepted them they are our reality. Until we question them again. So the first step is always to get aware that these limiting beliefs about money exist at all. You need to find them.

So what are Your Beliefs about Money? …

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