Clock Time vs. Psychological Time

Clock Time vs. Psychological Time

Our daily life is full of time. We are surrounded by time from getting up in the morning until checking the alarm clock in the evening. But being fully in the present moment is the key to spiritual awakening, or to say the least, to live a happier and more liberated life. What’s the difference between normal clock time and psychological time? How can we balance the fact that we have to use time so often and also stay more present?

What is The Present Moment?

What is The Present Moment?

The present moment is the only thing where there is no time. It is the point between past and future. It is always there and it is the only point we can access in time. Everything that ever happened and will ever happen can only happen in the present moment. It is impossible for anything to exist outside of it.

How to Create Balance in All Areas of Your Life

How to Create Balance in All Areas of Your Life

To have balance in life certainly is one of the most important overall goals to reach. At the same time it is a real toughie. On the one hand you focus on something you want to achieve, you make progress, but on the run you lose focus in another area of life. Has this happened to you?

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