750 Words for Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

750 Words for Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is probably the biggest single thing responsible for people not living up to their potential. Nothing has such a strong grip on holding you back from your dreams, aspirations and deepest desires as this one.

How can you overcome the fear of failure?

How can you start to courageously look this fear in the eye and still take the risk of going the next step?

The Effortless Way to Get Your Anxiety Butterflies Flying in Formation

The Effortless Way to Get Your Anxiety Butterflies Flying in Formation

Flying and learning to fly had its moments and just like the process I used to keep the engine properly handled and in good operating condition, I had to learn healthy ways to dissipate my own build up of internal energy (better known as anxiety) !

I discovered early in the game that if I didn’t deal with the butterflies of anticipation and nervousness that often preceded a big flying event, not only was I defocused and jittery but I also could not enjoy the exquisite experience in which I was participating.

What to Do When Life Sucks

What to Do When Life Sucks

Sometimes things just don’t go as you’d wish them to go. One adversity after another sweeps into your life like waves on a shore coming against you. Everything seems to have come together in a little conspiracy. Life sucks.

If such a series of adversities happens, your life can get really overwhelming and questions like „Why is this happening to me?“ or „What I have done to deserve this?“ pop up in the mind. But those questions are not really helping, especially not in that state of overwhelm, anger, frustration or even depression…

So what can you do inside and out to cope?

You Are Enough.

You Are Enough.

One of the many good suggestions I got from you as a reply to my last newsletter was the topic of not feeling worthy enough. So I thought I’ll take the topic of worthiness and show that at the core, which is what matters, you are 100% worthy of everything you can dream of.

The feeling of not being good enough or even inadequate can act as a very self-limiting belief, which would be like a self-fulfilling prophecy: It (you) will always get in your own way. On the other side, knowing that you are enough for what you want in your life is as important for your success as it could get.

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