Do You Make These 5 Mistakes Trying to Change Your Life?

Do You Make These 5 Mistakes Trying to Change Your Life?

What makes people change? What makes you change, for the better? This is basically the central question of my work here. Because when you write a personal development blog you finally come to the question of what prevents my readers from having the success they want? What is it that despite very best intentions, ruins all efforts to make and maintain a positive change in life?

Cure the Stress: Ways to Reduce Stress & Still Be Productive and Successful

Cure the Stress: Ways to Reduce Stress & Still Be Productive and Successful

I notice with a lot of people here on my blog and in my own life that when they go out and make something happen, they automatically fall into this trap of creating huge stress as well. The really bad thing here is that it not only burns you out really quickly, your life can become very miserable during that time too. This is totally unnecessary. Learn 5 effective ways to cure stress and reduce stress to your preferred level without lowering productivity or success.

5 Smart Hacks to Accelerate Your Personal Growth Process

5 Smart Hacks to Accelerate Your Personal Growth Process

Sometimes when you are in a small rut you need some push and inspiration that will force you to get back to real personal growth. If you are lacking motivation or inspiration, don’t fall into the trap of complacency and not doing. This won’t work for long. Nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved by doing nothing or by hovering in this hole of „knowing everything“.

Give Me 5 Minutes and I’ll Give You Total Clarity

Give Me 5 Minutes and I’ll Give You Total Clarity

For me personally clarity is one of these qualities I constantly strive for. And if you are anything like me you know that a clear mind is not only the best tool you can have to work with, but also the basis for living a balanced, conscious life. Clarity comes when we think simple, yet intelligent and powerful, and are aware of what is really important to us and let go of all the rest. To reach total clarity in your mind you can use different techniques.

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